Monday, November 6, 2017

Next steps

(Originally published at "A Year of Service" 11/9/16)
It has been about a year and a half since I started this blog. I initially called the blog "A Year of Service" and used it as a place to explore how the theme of service has been unfolding around me. At the time, I had just recognized service to others as an organizing concept that was permeating my entire life - both professional and personal. That realization came as a big aha moment for me and I felt the need to live with it and examine it thoroughly. The learning that has followed has been incredibly dynamic. I feel like these past months have been unique in my life, probably the longest period of inspiration and change I have ever experienced. And while dynamic, this time of change has also been both progressive and orderly because I approached it with the intention to learn and think reflexively, actively seeking connections, looking into emerging realizations, wrestling with those things that made me uncomfortable, and moving myself ahead.

Looking intently at my life as service has required me to be more quiet in the presence of others, to listen for their needs and to compare their needs and my responses to keep track of how I'm serving. Often, my own needs intrude on this process. Sometimes I'm in the presence of someone I fear will betray me because of things they may believe. Who knows what motivations go unspoken? Am I really safe here? My determination in this process means I have learned to sit patiently with my own needs when they come up. Instead of distancing myself from potential danger, I sit still. I keep listening. My fear is inner pain so I sit with that pain for a bit and go back to doing the work at hand. This act of patience and centering has become almost a reflex and it seems like a kind of magic. I say magic because I sense the practice is directly tied to enormous changes in my life but the connections remain below the surface, just out of sight.

What are these changes? I've found a way to navigate around the beliefs and expectations of people of different faiths - at work, in community settings, and in my own family. These are often people who I would have avoided a few years ago because of the threat they could pose to me - Catholics, Pentecostals, Baptists, members of the Disciples of Christ church in my neighborhood. By navigate, I don't mean getting along. I mean interacting deeply with them while paying close attention to my own vulnerabilities. Because I can talk with them and work with them, I'm able to engage with them on a deeper level about their own interior lives. And somehow, I've felt safe enough to begin adapting those parts of their experiences that seem reasonable to me. I'm taking their wisdom and using it as building blocks to rebuild my own inner temple. I'm reclaiming the life giving parts of my religious heritage. And last month, after two years of visiting, dialogue, and engagement, I joined the neighborhood church - not as a repudiation of my past, but as a revealing of the the next steps of my journey. Finally, the joy all this brings me has convinced me that my story, although still in progress, may be useful for others. There are a lot of queer people like me in the world, damaged by exile, but still seeking unity.

What a time of change! Momentous changes! The biggest change of all though, has been the healing. There is a myth in our culture that we must be tough, keep a stiff upper lip. Focusing on our pain makes us weaker. This hasn't been true for me. Opening myself to my pain and to the pain of others has strengthened me, enabled me to approach others fearlessly. It is all these others who have held the tidbits of information and inspiration that I am touching. They have extended welcomes to me, invitations, trusting me as I trusted them, but often trusting me first. I'm under no illusions about my old wounds. They are permanent and healing will always continue as a process. But the healing that has come to me has already been abundant. Some days I just cry over it.

So where am I going with all of this? Service as a big part of my core identity seems to be well established. I'm comfortable with that. Now, as a result of these explorations, I have found a new footing in life and the question arises - how shall I proceed? It is time to develop new interior goals and to create strategies for living those out in the world. My most pressing need right now is a coherent personal world view that unites all the different ways my consciousness exists in experience. I have a wealth of resources at my disposal and I feel ready to continue clawing my spiritual birthright back from those who tried to take it from me.

Several times during the past summer I attempted to write posts about my atheism, to explain it, and to situate it within my ongoing development. I found this difficult because it did not fit comfortably into the themes of service I was considering. It fits here though, so I anticipate addressing this soon, and more.


This blog is a year-long meditation on the path I'm traveling right now. Everything I'm involved with seems to be some form of service to others. I didn't consciously choose service so how did I get here? Where am I going next? Is this just a phase? Is this a place where I can spend the rest of my life? I hope to arrive at some answers by next April!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Framing choices through grace

(Originally published at "A Year of Service" 8/22/17)
Grace is one of those concepts I've been exploring lately. Why would an atheist even care about that? Isn't it a religious term? Maybe, but I don't think it has to be.

Lately, I have been drawn to this concept as a way to frame experiences. It is part of a broader attempt to reconsider realities and experiences that are larger than facts. Love is one such experience. It cannot be subjected to scientific testing, but I doubt anyone who experiences love would say it isn't real or consequential. Like love, grace is abstract, not something to be proven or disproven. It exists, or doesn't, in the experience of the individual. If we accept that love or truth or community are concepts open to consideration by an atheist, why not grace?

So, what do I think grace is about? It's a tough call and I've had a hard time locking it down but when I find myself unexpectedly in a very meaningful situation that produces dramatic, positive, long-term changes in my life and psyche, my experience of that whole process feels like it could be called grace. One of the most important examples of this for me in the past few years was standing in the street at Shaw and Klemm, in front of Vonderitt's mother, as she cried over the loss of her son. I had no business being there. They are not my family, the shooting was not on my block. My motivations for going were vague. I could have seen her on television, as most St. Louisans did, but the effect would have been quite different. Experiencing her grief, not as an image on a screen, but in a community of strangers, all grieving, was heart-rending to me. The chain of events that followed, and to which I opened myself, is still playing out and it has carried me deeper into a love of us all and into a greater desire to find a just world.

What was positive about that experience? Obviously, not the death or grief. Vonderitt and his family paid a terrible price. It was a hideous and wasteful thing that happened. Rather, the key for me is that in the middle of that terribleness, I opened myself up and that act of opening allowed other things to follow. If that is grace, then grace is not easy. It does not arrive on the doorstep one day, gift wrapped as a happy cosmic surprise. Grace is a process that comes with struggle and pain. I've lost a lot of people I thought had been friends since that night in the street - people who couldn't go with me into the new places I was heading. Sleepless nights, worry, conversational struggles, deep self-questioning, all have been part of the process.

But through all of that communal pain and personal struggle, I found opportunities to uncover truths previously hidden from me. Opportunities for love, learning, gratitude, emerging from the absolute worst situations. I have found a more whole version of myself and I am deeply grateful for that. Maybe this reaching towards grace is our species' salvation - our choices, our work.

I do not think grace is inevitable. I opened myself up this time, but I witnessed so many others close themselves a little tighter. The opportunities for grace are fleeting and, if not seized immediately, they may slip away forever.

A man who attends my church passed away recently after a long illness. His memorial service at the church was attended by his male life partner of many years, our church family, and many non-religious members of the LGBTQ community. During the memorial service, a conservative brother of the deceased made a brutal anti-gay speech. Apparently, this was a continuation of years of abusive behavior directed at the deceased and his partner. The diatribe derailed the memorial, angering and demoralizing the entire audience. Many of the people present, both church members and general public, had previously experienced family and religious disinheritances around queer identities. This foolish man did a lot of damage and re-opened old wounds for many.

Sadly, he had already missed years of opportunities to experience the grace embodied by his gay brother. Perhaps the dark side of human relationships, our constant propensity to separate ourselves from others, is the opposite of grace. What if, instead of tormenting his relative for all those years, he could have seen in his brother the image of the marginalized Christ? What if instead of making his last months more difficult, he had responded to his brother's suffering in light of the suffering of Christ? How sad to claim to be a Christian and to have missed that Christ's suffering was the suffering of relationships, the exclusion from those he considered to be his people.

A moment of grace, or a lifetime of moments of grace, was missed. No matter how hard the work is, I hope I never let that happen to me.


This blog is a year-long meditation on the path I'm traveling right now. Everything I'm involved with seems to be some form of service to others. I didn't consciously choose service so how did I get here? Where am I going next? Is this just a phase? Is this a place where I can spend the rest of my life? I hope to arrive at some answers by next April!

The sound washed over me

(Originally published at "A Year of Service" 8/22/17)
Yesterday I stood on the porch of a coffeeshop in Hermann, Missouri watching the eclipse with a small knot of employees. As we marveled and chatted quietly, the katydids striking up an evening chorus in the background, I began to think about all of us - Americans. I thought about how we are such different people - different places, different politics, different struggles, different needs, fears, beliefs, loves. And yet millions of us were all staring up, together, letting the things that divide us recede into the background for a few minutes.

We looked up at the source of all our lives, in wonder, in awe. Just being children for a few minutes.

And then a bubble of pure, incomparable brilliance bloomed out the back side of the moon and hundreds of people behind me, out of sight on the riverbank a quarter mile away, burst into screams. The sound washed over me and my hairs stood on end. And I thought of the sound in videos of the Boston Marathon bombing, the Ariana Grande concert, all the other horrific times when people become an organism, moving and wailing together.

But this time was different. It was joy, it was almost like worship. And I shuddered for joy too. We were made for this. Why can't we make this thing happen more often?


This blog is a year-long meditation on the path I'm traveling right now. Everything I'm involved with seems to be some form of service to others. I didn't consciously choose service so how did I get here? Where am I going next? Is this just a phase? Is this a place where I can spend the rest of my life? I hope to arrive at some answers by next April!